Our Conference Management System provides an easy-to-use interface for registration where returning participants can register without creating a new account. We provide abstract submission with customize submission forms and file uploads. Our submission form allows entering of proposal type, keywords, topics, preferred session, authors and presenters. Our system allows review of abstracts and full papers. System generated emails are sent to the participants on acceptance or rejection of paper with the remarks given by the reviewer. We also provide services like registration fee payment, accommodation booking, travel information update and many more services. Our system allows the conference administrator to setup the minute by minute conference schedule and programme. As a conference organizer you can manage more than one conference through your single organizer account.
To avail all above features you do not have to pay the high web server cost or software maintenance cost. Organizers only need to pay on per registration basis i.e. the number of delegates will register for your conference you only have to pay for them. We do not charge any fee from delegates.
The delegates can use single login for registration of more than one conference as well. There is no need for the delegates to make a new account for registration of a new conference. They can keep a record of the upcoming conferences and view the conference program etc. through their delegate panel.
It will take just five minutes for a conference organizer to register and setup a conference and start using our conference management system.